Be Where You Are Valued

A father said to his son: You graduated with honors, here is a car that I acquired many years ago ... it is several years old. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer … Continue reading Be Where You Are Valued

Golden Advice About Life

Always be the best person you can be. Be kind even when you're tired. Be understanding even when you're angry. Do more than you're asked, and don't ask for anything In return. Don't silently expect anything either. Listen when someone talks, and really listen too, stop just thinking of how you'll reply. Tell people that … Continue reading Golden Advice About Life

8 Lessons I Learnt From Covid-19 Crisis

1. Home Is Where The Heart Is And also the safest place to be in, especially when there is chaos everywhere. 2. Health Is The Most Important Asset At this juncture, what we want most is good health, for ourselves and for our loved ones (or at least not get infected by the Covid-19 virus) … Continue reading 8 Lessons I Learnt From Covid-19 Crisis

The Legend Of Donnie Yen

I am a huge fan of the Ip Man movie franchise and I love all 4 movies. It is amazing that with the rapid advancement in cinematic technology, the Ip Man movies, made with almost zero special effects, can make it so big. The successful franchise also propel Donnie Yen's acting career into super stardom, … Continue reading The Legend Of Donnie Yen


A very inspiring video that is worth every second of your 12 minutes watching. It will really offer you a fresh perspective of life when it comes to facing setbacks and feeling that life is unfair to you. Lastly, when you can focus on what you have, rather than what you don't, you will be … Continue reading MY PHILOSOPHY FOR A HAPPY LIFE

10 Life Lessons From A Wise Retiree

A wise retiree shared his thoughts & advice on life: 1. I now stopped bargaining with vegetables & fruits vendors. After all, that little savings is not going to burn a hole in my pocket, but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees. 2. I pay the taxi driver without … Continue reading 10 Life Lessons From A Wise Retiree

The Humble Billionaire And His Views On Wealth

Chinese movie legend Chow Yun-fat says he plans to give his entire net worth, a whopping $5.6 billion HKD (that’s $714 million USD) to charity. “My dream is to be a happy and normal person,” Yun-fat recently told Hong Kong movie site Jayne Stars. “The hardest thing in life is not about how much money … Continue reading The Humble Billionaire And His Views On Wealth

Golden Principles of Living A Healthy and Happy Life

Drink water from the spring where the horse drinks. A horse will never drink bad water. Make your bed where the cat sleeps. Eat the fruit that was touched by the worm. Freely pick the mushrooms on which the insects sit. Plant your tree where the mole digs. Build your house where the snake suns … Continue reading Golden Principles of Living A Healthy and Happy Life

Love Will Return In A Different Way

When he was 40, the renowned Bohemian novelist and short story writer Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, was strolling through Steglitz Park in Berlin, when he chanced upon a young girl crying her eyes out because she had lost her favorite doll. She and Kafka looked for the doll without … Continue reading Love Will Return In A Different Way

Have I Lived a Happy Life?

From young, I have lived my life by one principle and that is, the meaning of life is to find happiness. And it is strange that no one ever taught me that. I remembered giving this answer as a 13-year-old in a certain gathering where the person who asked was trying to hint me that … Continue reading Have I Lived a Happy Life?

Charity Wrapped With Dignity

She asked him, 'How much are you selling the eggs for?' The old seller replied, '$.25 an egg, Madam.' She said to him, 'I will take 6 eggs for $1.25 or I will leave.' The old seller replied, 'Come take them at the price you want. Maybe, this is a good beginning because I have … Continue reading Charity Wrapped With Dignity

The Story Of The Stolen Watch

An old man meets a young man who asks: “Do you remember me?” And the old man says no. Then the young man tells him he was his student, And the teacher asks: “What do you do, what do you do in life?” The young man answers: “Well, I became a teacher.” “ah, how good, … Continue reading The Story Of The Stolen Watch