Yes I Can

This is a children’s song but the lyrics are meaningful.

Little bird, little bird, can you clap?
No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t clap.
Little bird, little bird, can you fly?
Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can fly.

Elephant, elephant, can you fly?
No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t fly.
Elephant, elephant, can you stomp?
Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can stomp.

Little fish, little fish, can you stomp?
No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t stomp.
Little fish, little fish, can you swim?
Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can swim.

Gorilla, gorilla, can you swim?
No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t swim .
Gorilla, gorilla, can you climb?
Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can climb.

Buffalo, buffalo, can you climb?
No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t climb.
Buffalo, buffalo, can you run?
Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can run.

Every one of us is like a bird, an elephant, a fish, a gorilla or a buffalo. We have our own unique strengths and weaknesses, there are things we do very well and there are things we simply can’t do at all.

Not everyone will excel in their studies, some have the potential to be a great chef, a talented musician, a brilliant artist, a skillful carpenter, a gifted sportsperson or even make great videos to inspire people.

Our society has to use a common indicator, e.g. education level, salary, riches, as a benchmark to define our capabilities, status or success. However, not meeting the social benchmark does not make one a failure or deem one as useless.

To the child who is struggling to fit into the education system or in society, you must believe in that greatness lies inside you and you have so much more to give to this world and create an impact. Find that unique strength to fulfill your great destiny.

An article from motivational book Finding The Magical Realm Of Happiness – Motivational Book

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