Kepong Boy With Deformed Arms Inspires Netizens, Despite Being Made Fun Of In School

A Malaysian boy inspired thousands of netizens on Facebook, because of a story his father shared on the infamous Facebook group KL Blow Water Station. William Foo expressed his concerns about his son’s deformed arms, saying that he was worried when his son finally began going to school this year.

In his post, he said that a kid from school came asking his son “Why are your arms like this? They look like ‘chicken hands’!”. The son’s response to the kid’s pure curiosity surprised William, and it even made William think that his son finally grew up. He said, “My arms look like chicken feet, not ‘chicken hands’.”

When the boy went home that very day, William asked him again if anyone from school was making fun of his arms. To no surprise, many school children made fun of the boy’s deformity. It sounds terribly mean, but the children may not be educated on deformities before seeing this boy’s arms.
So, the father asked his son if he felt upset about it.

Here’s the boy’s response: “Many people laughed at me. If they want to make fun of me, just let them be. I’m still able to do things and eat with my arms!”

This is such a mature and inspiring response to come from a boy who just started school.

Credits: World of Buzz

Moral of the story: Life puts people in difficult circumstances so they live to overcome all obstacles to be an inspiration for everyone else. Keep going if you are facing difficulties in your life currently. It is a way of refining you further.

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