Pandemic Fatigue

The pandemic is breaking us up. Subtly. I am seeing an increasing number of friends complain about their marriage woes on social media, which is not a common sight previously as these are the "dirty laundry" that most people would avoid sharing on social media. These are signs that relationships are breaking up and people … Continue reading Pandemic Fatigue

The Gold Miner Who Almost Succeed

During the gold rush, a man who had been mining in Colorado for several months quit his job, as he hadn’t struck gold yet and the work was becoming tiresome. He sold his equipment to another man who resumed mining where it had been left off. The new miner was advised by his engineer that … Continue reading The Gold Miner Who Almost Succeed

The Jester And The King

Once upon a time a king had a jester in his court. The king was so fond of him that the jester enjoyed every kind of liberty of speech. He did not even spare the lords and ministers. So much so that he began to ridicule even the king but no one could dare to … Continue reading The Jester And The King

The Benevolent Monk

Once, there was a renowned monk who lived in a beautiful monastery with many of his pupils. His teachings were known to be very effective and many of his students grew up to become great masters themselves. One day, one of them was caught stealing from his fellow-students and they reported him to the monk. … Continue reading The Benevolent Monk

The Magical Realm Of Happiness

How wonderful would it be if we could find this place and be forever happy. Different people have different expectation of this place. Some see it as being financial free so they need not carry the heavy burden on their shoulders, day after day, year after year. Others see this as the place where they … Continue reading The Magical Realm Of Happiness

The Elephant and The Mice Story

In an earthquake-hit village abandoned by humans, a colony of mice lived. Near the village was a lake, which was used by a herd of elephants. The elephants would have to cross the village to go to the lake. Thus, one day, as they walked through, they trampled a lot of mice. The leader of … Continue reading The Elephant and The Mice Story

A Glass Of Milk, Paid In Full

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the … Continue reading A Glass Of Milk, Paid In Full

How To Motivate Your Child Towards Studying

One of the greatest challenges faced by parents today is their child not being motivated or not keen to study, despite huge investment into tuition and enrichment classes. Parents feel helpless especially when they know that their child has the potential to excel or has done well previously but out of a sudden, the child … Continue reading How To Motivate Your Child Towards Studying

The Thirsty Crow Story

One hot summer day, a crow was feeling very thirsty. It flew all over the fields looking for water, but all was in vain. For a long time it flew here and there, but it could not find water to quench its thirst. It felt very weak and almost lost all hope to find water. … Continue reading The Thirsty Crow Story

The Wise Orchard Owner

A wise and successful man bought a beautiful house with a huge orchard. But, not all were happy for him. An envious man lived in an old house next to him. He constantly tried to make his fellow neighbor’s stay in the beautiful house as miserable as possible. He threw garbage under his gate and … Continue reading The Wise Orchard Owner

The Same Joke

Once a wise man held a seminar to teach people how to get rid of sorrows in their life. Many people gathered to hear the wise man’s words. The man entered the room and told a very funny joke to the crowd. The crowd roared in laughter. After a couple of minutes he told them … Continue reading The Same Joke

The Story of Coffee and Cups

A group of highly established alumni got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation among them soon turned into complaints about their stressful work and life. The professor went to his kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups, including porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some … Continue reading The Story of Coffee and Cups