The Honest Woodcutter And The Golden Axe

There was once a woodcutter, working hard in the forest, getting wood to sell for some food. As he was cutting a tree, his axe accidentally fell into the river. The river was deep and was flowing really fast – he lost his axe and could not find it again. He sat at the bank … Continue reading The Honest Woodcutter And The Golden Axe

The Greedy Lion

On a hot day, a lion in the forest started feeling hungry. He was starting to hunt for his food when he found a hare roaming around alone. Instead of catching the hare, the lion let it go – “A small hare such as this can’t satisfy my hunger”, he said and scoffed. Then, a … Continue reading The Greedy Lion

The Elephant And His New Friends

A lone elephant walked through the forest, looking for friends. She soon saw a monkey and proceeded to ask, ‘Can we be friends, monkey?’ The monkey quickly replied, ‘You are big and can’t swing on trees like I do, so I cannot be your friend.’ Defeated, the elephant continued to search when it stumbled across … Continue reading The Elephant And His New Friends

The Farmer And The Well

One day, a farmer was looking for a water source for his farm, when he bought a well from his neighbor. The neighbor, however, was cunning. The next day, as the farmer came to draw water from his well, the neighbor refused to let him take any water. When the farmer asked why, the neighbor … Continue reading The Farmer And The Well

The Proud Rose And Her Cactus Neighbour

Once upon a time, in a desert far away, there was a rose who was so proud of her beautiful looks. Her only complaint was growing next to an ugly cactus. Every day, the beautiful rose would insult and mock the cactus on his looks, all while the cactus remained quiet. All the other plants … Continue reading The Proud Rose And Her Cactus Neighbour

The Father, Son And The Donkey

A long time ago, there once lived a farmer and his son. The two of them took good care of all the animals on the farm. One baby donkey grew up to be the most handsome and plump donkey they had ever seen. He stood tall and had brown, smooth fur. On seeing the fine … Continue reading The Father, Son And The Donkey

The Tortise And The Bird

A tortoise was resting under a tree, on which a bird had built its nest. The tortoise spoke to the bird mockingly, “What a shabby home you have! It is made of broken twigs, has no roof, and looks crude. What’s worse is that you had to build it yourself. I think my house, which … Continue reading The Tortise And The Bird

The Four Friends

There were four friends who hated studying. They partied all night before their exams and planned to skip the test by lying to the professor. So they went to the dean and told him that they had been to a wedding the previous night and on their way back, they had a flat tire. They … Continue reading The Four Friends

The Wolf And The Farmer

One day a wolf was chased away from a farm for trying to steal some of the sheep for food. Later that week, the wolf came back to the farm hoping to find some food. He peeped inside the house and found the farmer and his family feasting on lamb roast. “Aha!”, he thought. “If … Continue reading The Wolf And The Farmer

The Journey Is Short

An elderly woman got on a bus and sat down. At the next stop, a strong, grumpy young woman climbed up and sat down sharply beside the old woman, hitting her with her numerous bags. When she saw that the elderly woman remained silent, the young woman asked her why she had not complained when … Continue reading The Journey Is Short

I Do Not Apologize For My Pricing

I will not apologize for my pricing. No small business should. My pricing allows me to make a profit. Which allows me to pay my bills. Which also allows me to stay in business. My pricing allows me to employ people. Which allows them to pay their bills. My pricing allows me to pay myself … Continue reading I Do Not Apologize For My Pricing

The Witty Son

An elderly Italian living alone in New Jersey wanted to plant tomatoes in his garden. It was tough work since the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote him a letter about his problem. Dear Vincent,I'm feeling pretty sad. I won’t be able … Continue reading The Witty Son