The Bird And The Bee

On the banks of a river, there is a tree where a swarm of bees set up their beehive. They remain busy the entire day buzzing on flowers and collecting honey. One fine day, a bee feels thirsty and goes to the river to drink some water. As the bee tries to drink, a wave of the current sweeps it away. The bee starts drowning.

Fortunately, a beautiful bird, who has been watching from a distance, rushes to help the poor bee. She plucks a big leaf from a tree and flies towards the bee. The bird places the leaf near the bee. The bee mounts on the leaf and dries its wings. In some time, the bee finds the strength to fly away to safety.

A couple of weeks later, the bird is caught in a dangerous situation. As she is sitting on the branch of a tree, an archer targets her. The bird looks for an escape but sees a large hawk hovering around her.

That’s when her good deed returns to her. The bee comes to her rescue by stinging the archer hard. By then the archer releases the arrow, which misses the bird and hits the hawk, instead. The bird then flies away to safety and later thanks the bee for returning the favour.

Moral of the Story

Love and kindness come back in unexpected ways. So, always be kind whenever possible.

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