Negative Thoughts Creep In To Burn Down Your Wooden House

Anyone who has lived in or seen the traditional type of Kampong houses, which are made of wood and tree leaves, will know that they catch fire easily. That is why the modern-day HDB brick houses are being built, to prevent a single spark from igniting the whole house.

The mind behaves like a wooden house and a negative thought creeps in like a small spark. The fire starts slowly but, before we know it, the whole house is on fire.

We may be watching TV or doing household chores, but the thoughts make our mind wander off to ruminate about an event which makes us angry. Our mind replays the scenes and justifies the anger. Then we start wanting to blame someone for our misery.

The negative thought of worry can also creep in while we are carrying out our routine work. As the mind manifests the thought, we start to feel more insecure. The mind, our wooden house, is on fire now. We cannot stop worrying and these worries soon become fears.

When the house we live in catches fire, the person who gets hurt is not the person who started the fire. It is us! The fire will also harm the people who are near the burning house, like our family members, because we are passing the negative energy on to them. Therefore, we must put out the fire before it does further damage.
How do we do that? First, we consciously recognise the thoughts in our minds. While these thoughts may be happening in the background while we do our stuff, we can learn to be mindful of them, especially when they are bothering us.

Then, we need to ask ourselves two critical questions. 1. Where are these thoughts (anger, worries, fears) leading us? Definitely nowhere physically because we’re still where we are. 2. What are we achieving with these thoughts? Nothing more than negative energy. If there is an issue to be solved, our thoughts should revolve around solutions, not anger, worries or illogical fears.

We will experience unhappiness from time to time. We will be angered by the actions of others, including those closest to us. So, I hope that you will remember this analogy when your mind swarms with negative thoughts like anger or excess worry. When your wooden house is on fire, leave it and put out the fire. Otherwise, you and your loved ones will get hurt.

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