Simple Steps To Happiness

The beautiful, well-versed 83 year old lady, fully dressed every morning at 8 am sharp, with her hair done in fashion and perfectly applied makeup, is moving to a retirement home. Her husband recently died, which motivated her move. After many hours of patiently waiting in the hall of the home, she smiled sweetly, when … Continue reading Simple Steps To Happiness

The Family Lunch

A husband said to his wife: "I miss my family, I hope you will prepare lunch tomorrow, so I can invite them, it's been a while."The wife said with a sigh: "God willing, it will be good."The husband said: "OK, I will invite them."The next morning, the husband went to work and at one o'clock … Continue reading The Family Lunch

The Sun And The Wind

It was an autumn day. The wind and the sun argued.The wind boasted, “I am stronger than you.”The sun mildly said, “No. you are not”.Just then, they saw a traveler wrapped in a blanket was passing by. The wind said, “Whoever separates the blanket from traveler is the stronger. Do you agree?”The sun replied, “OK. … Continue reading The Sun And The Wind

If Someone Is Failing

If someone is falling behind in life, you don't have to remind them. Believe me, they already know. If someone is unhealthy, they know. If someone is failing at work, they know. If someone is struggling in their relationships, with money, with self-image, they know. It's what consumes their thoughts each day. What you need … Continue reading If Someone Is Failing

The Poor Old Man And The Billionaire

One cold night, A billionaire met an old poor man outside. He asked him, "don't you feel cold being outside, and not wearing any coat?"The old man replied, "I don't have it but I got used to that." The billionaire replied, "Wait for me. I will enter my house now and bring you one. " … Continue reading The Poor Old Man And The Billionaire

The Blind Men and the Elephant

Once upon a time, there lived six blind men in a village. One day the villagers told them, “Hey, there is an elephant in the village today. They had no idea what an elephant is. They decided, “Even though we would not be able to see it, let us go and feel it anyway.” All … Continue reading The Blind Men and the Elephant

150 Years From Now

150 years from now, none of us reading this post today will be alive. 70 percent to 100 percent of everything we are fighting over right now will be totally forgotten. Underline the word, TOTALLY. If we go back memory lane to 150 years before us, that will be 1872, none of those that carried … Continue reading 150 Years From Now

The Free Zoo

A man established a zoo and made the entrance fee $300 but no one went there. He reduced it to 200$ but still no one came. He then reduced the fee to $10 but still people didn't come. Finally, he made the entrance fees FREE and soon, the zoo was filled with people. Then, he … Continue reading The Free Zoo

The Story Of The 3 Bees

My dad has bees.Today I went to his house and he showed me all of the honey he had gotten from the hives. He took the lid off of a 5 gallon bucket full of honey and on top of the honey there were 3 little bees, struggling. They were covered in sticky honey and … Continue reading The Story Of The 3 Bees