Happiness Videos

The 3 Secrets of happiness

Many people think that in order to be happy, they need to own wealth (and lots of it), or reach a certain milestone in life, such as getting married or rising up the corporate ladder, or being able to retire. They then have this checklist so long that it is difficult for them to attain happiness. In this video, I want to share with you 3 secrets that can help you achieve happiness, regardless of age, wealth or social status.

rich but unhappy

Technology has brought rapid advancement to humanity and our quality of life is better than any other generations have ever achieved. However, our happiness level does not grow proportionally to the luxury and excellent quality of life that we are enjoying. Why is that so?

on fame, wealth, meaning, life

What do Paul Walker, Kobe Bryant and Chadwick Boseman all have in common? They have fame and social status. They are movie stars or NBA superstar and well-known all over the world, with huge fanbases. They have wealth and tons of it as all of them are multi-millionaires. But sadly, they all die prematurely in their early 40s. This is a great reminder that money, fame and power cannot buy more time when it is running out for you. May this video brings a new perspective to you on living life to the fullest, because nothing will stop the inevitable from happening when your time is due.

how to deal with negative thoughts

Are you constantly bombarded with negative thoughts that make you happy? Are you still revisiting the hurt in your mind over and over again, long after a painful incident has occurred? And that all these thoughts in your head makes you feel trapped and unable to move on or enjoy quality time with your loved ones?

social media envy

Social media envy is one of the biggest contributing factors to our dissatisfaction with life and in turn, creates unhappiness in our life. We often look at what the others are having and wish that we own them too. We also sometimes wish we live the lives of others because they always seem to be living the perfect life. This video will provide some food for thought if you are always feeling unhappy with the never-ending comparison with your friends/ relatives on social media.


Ramen in this video is used as an analogy to the luxurious items we pursue in Life, e.g. private housing, posh cars, expensive holidays, diamond rings, branded items. It can only be enjoyable when we already have the things that money can’t buy, such as our health, our family and loved ones.

happiness is about counting blessings

When you look at the rich, famous, popular or beautiful and wish that you are like them, think again because they have troubles that you never know. They could be suffering inside them and still had to put up a false front of living a perfect life. Find contentment in what you have and count your blessings, it will lead you to everlasting happiness.

a young woman’s heartbreaking letter to the world

Holly Butcher, a 27-year-old woman from New South Wales, Australia, impressed the whole world after she wrote an emotional open letter about the meaning of life. Shortly after, Holly lost her hard battle with cancer. The young woman suffered from Ewing’s sarcoma, a very rare form of bone cancer. Before she dies, the woman wrote a letter in which she expressed her regrets about leaving this world so soon. She also advises us to appreciate the “meaningful things” in life. Those small things that make us really happy. Holly’s family decided to share her touching message on Facebook and her words went viral making waves all over the internet. This video is a remake of Holly’s heart-melting letter.