Hold The Mother, Not The Baby

Hold the mother, not the baby.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣Because the baby’s being taken care of,fed, snuggled, and given all the love in the world by not only the mother,⁣⁣but her partner, grandparents, siblings, cousins, and friends.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣But the mother⁣⁣ may have gaps in her mind from lack of sleep,⁣⁣ she may be mechanical in her motions as … Continue reading Hold The Mother, Not The Baby

Holding On

I know I have to let go as you get older,but I’m focusing on holding on.Holding on to being your biggest fan and cheerleader.Holding on to the warmth of your smile and the sound of your laughter.Holding on to feeling so deeply, no matter your age.Holding on to how grateful I am to be your … Continue reading Holding On

Two Mothers

Once there lived women in a village. One of them had a baby. But the other woman claimed that baby. As a result, both of them were entangled in a quarrel. Finding no other way, they went to King Solomon who was famous for his wisdom. The King listened, to the women’s prayers. Then he … Continue reading Two Mothers

To The Gorgeous Mum

I wrote this note to the mum who was a ravishing beauty, the mum who had a voluptuous figure, the mum who had thick luscious hair, the mum who could fit in 'S' size clothings with ease, the mum who had one of the mentioned or had them all. Until Motherhood took it away from … Continue reading To The Gorgeous Mum

A Letter To A Stay Home Mum

Dear Krystal, The day you have decided to put aside your office dresses, to forgo your high-paying job and career progression opportunities, just to stay home to look after your kids, you know your life is going to change forever. There will be no working hours for you because every hour is a working hour … Continue reading A Letter To A Stay Home Mum

The Modern Day Super Mom

It is sometimes not easy to be a mother. Nature bestow you with the child bearing abilities and whether you use it or not, you have to go through periods of pain, discomfort every month and emotions may also go haywire during this time. Society expects you to look fabulous every time, whether you have … Continue reading The Modern Day Super Mom

A Mom’s Worth

As someone who’s primarily been a stay-at-home mom for over ten years, I can firmly attest that it is not a role for the proud. It is a position that comes with little training, and marginal praise. The infinite loads of dishes I’ve washed have never garnered a medal, the hours I’ve spent vacuuming have … Continue reading A Mom’s Worth

No One Saw You

“No one saw you, at 2 a.m., when the baby wailed for you. No one saw you, when a snoring exhausted man lay next to you, who had to get up for work, so the night shift was yours. No one saw you when the baby didn’t want to be put down. Falling asleep while … Continue reading No One Saw You

A Gentle Reminder To All “Indispensible” Mums

Please finish reading if you do have the time. A few years ago, my friend had just crossed age 50. Just about 8 days later she was struck with an ailment … And she died swiftly. In the group we received a condolence message that … "Sad .. she is no more with us"… RIP … Continue reading A Gentle Reminder To All “Indispensible” Mums