Health Is Wealth

I have a colleague who is on long MC. It started off with a minor illness which became worse and eventually requiring surgery. So, he kept extending his MC from days to weeks to months. Every time we thought that he was coming back to work, there were new complications and he had to extend his MC again.

Guess what my other colleagues in office were saying behind his back? “Wah extend again ah? So good life!”.

To some people, taking MC is like taking leave. You can stay home to do something you like and there is no need to go to the office or do any work at all. Your teammates are the unlucky ones who have to cover you.

However, what they don’t understand is that blessed are the ones who have good health, not the ones who have to take MC to rest at home and recover from an illness or surgery. They do not understand that it is not just taxing physically, but also demoralising when you deal with one blow after another while trying to recover. At times, you wonder if you are ever going to recover.

It is nice to stay at home and rest and do something you like, but it is not nice if you have to deal with the side effects of the medicine, the painful symptoms of the illness, the post-surgery recovery, the inconvenience of being bandaged up and not being able to go outdoors as and when you like.

Having been through extended MC myself, having to report to the Operating Theatre instead of the office, having been under the knife a number of times, having to wait nervously for test results, having to wrap the bandage on my limbs with plastic bags so I do not wet them when I bathe, having to use my non-master hand to do my everyday chores, I cherish my health and count my blessings that I am able to go to work. I will never want to trade that with any amount of money or days of MC.

Blessed are the ones with good health, without which, we are nothing. When we can understand that, we will no longer be envious of things we do not have, because we have so much more.

Written by Jason, Author of Finding The Magical Realm of Happiness:

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