Health Is Wealth

I have a colleague who is on long MC. It started off with a minor illness which became worse and eventually requiring surgery. So, he kept extending his MC from days to weeks to months. Every time we thought that he was coming back to work, there were new complications and he had to extend … Continue reading Health Is Wealth

Monkey and Bananas

Thought-provoking & enlightening  With the influence of the environment we live in, together with society's perception, choosing money is like a survival instinct, just as the monkey who will naturally choose food over money. That is what many of us are doing actually, sacrificing our health to earn more money. However, those who have seen … Continue reading Monkey and Bananas

Golden Principles of Living A Healthy and Happy Life

Drink water from the spring where the horse drinks. A horse will never drink bad water. Make your bed where the cat sleeps. Eat the fruit that was touched by the worm. Freely pick the mushrooms on which the insects sit. Plant your tree where the mole digs. Build your house where the snake suns … Continue reading Golden Principles of Living A Healthy and Happy Life

Have I Lived a Happy Life?

From young, I have lived my life by one principle and that is, the meaning of life is to find happiness. And it is strange that no one ever taught me that. I remembered giving this answer as a 13-year-old in a certain gathering where the person who asked was trying to hint me that … Continue reading Have I Lived a Happy Life?