Health Is Wealth

I have a colleague who is on long MC. It started off with a minor illness which became worse and eventually requiring surgery. So, he kept extending his MC from days to weeks to months. Every time we thought that he was coming back to work, there were new complications and he had to extend … Continue reading Health Is Wealth

20 Billionaires Who Dropped Out of College

All roads lead to Rome. While many may think that having a college degree is a good safety net and the pathway to a successful career and great wealth, there are 20 shinning examples to prove otherwise. This list showscases the 20 billionaires who have never finished college. Some have started college, spent some time … Continue reading 20 Billionaires Who Dropped Out of College

Is Happiness Costly

Often when asked “Does more money make you happier?”, many people agree that it does. In a metropolitan city of Singapore where cost of living is rising, it is hard to disagree why. We will tend to focus on building up our wealth to achieve that desired standard of living. However, little is made known … Continue reading Is Happiness Costly

The Jar of Life

A professor of philosophy once stood in front of his class with an empty glass jar. With his students watching, he filled the jar with rocks. Then he asked his students if the jar was full. The response was in unison: “Yes!” Upon hearing this, the professor then told them they were wrong. He proved … Continue reading The Jar of Life

1 Hour Of Your Time, Dad

One day, the father was doing some work and his son came and asked, “Daddy, may I ask you a question?” Father said, “Yeah sure, what it is?” So his son asked, “Dad, how much do you make an hour?” Father got bit upset and said, “That’s none of your business. Why do you ask … Continue reading 1 Hour Of Your Time, Dad

The Honest Man And The Rock Lion

Once upon a time a poor family and the rich family lived at the foot of a mountain. There was a large forest at the top of the mountain. Every day the head of the poor family went to the forest to get wood to sell for food and clothing. In the forest, there was … Continue reading The Honest Man And The Rock Lion

Monkey and Bananas

Thought-provoking & enlightening  With the influence of the environment we live in, together with society's perception, choosing money is like a survival instinct, just as the monkey who will naturally choose food over money. That is what many of us are doing actually, sacrificing our health to earn more money. However, those who have seen … Continue reading Monkey and Bananas

The Student and The Chocolate Factory

A student asked his teacher, “What is Greed?” The teacher said, “In order to answer your question, go through the chocolate factory next to our school and pick the one chocolate you like the most. But there is a rule. As you pass through the factory, you can not turn back. You must pick the … Continue reading The Student and The Chocolate Factory

8 Lessons I Learnt From Covid-19 Crisis

1. Home Is Where The Heart Is And also the safest place to be in, especially when there is chaos everywhere. 2. Health Is The Most Important Asset At this juncture, what we want most is good health, for ourselves and for our loved ones (or at least not get infected by the Covid-19 virus) … Continue reading 8 Lessons I Learnt From Covid-19 Crisis

The Humble Billionaire And His Views On Wealth

Chinese movie legend Chow Yun-fat says he plans to give his entire net worth, a whopping $5.6 billion HKD (that’s $714 million USD) to charity. “My dream is to be a happy and normal person,” Yun-fat recently told Hong Kong movie site Jayne Stars. “The hardest thing in life is not about how much money … Continue reading The Humble Billionaire And His Views On Wealth